Lord of the Flies
Chapter 11- Castle Rock
Perspective: ME!!!!
1. Piggy tells Ralph to blow the conch and call meeting although everyone is right there. For Piggy the conch is like a talisman.
2. Piggy tells Jack to give him back his glasses because it is the right thing to do. Jack stole them and it was wrong therefore he should give them back.
3. Ralph says that before they go and talk to Jack and his tribe they should clean up. They should look clean like when they crashed there and prove they are not savages. There should be a cessation of savagry.
4. Roger challenges them when they approach castle rock
5. Jack comes out of the forest with a dead pig and a painted face. He was hunting.
6. Ralph call Jack a savage and Jack lashes back.
7. Saneric get tied up and jabbed at with a spear. All of the boys did it just because Jack told them too.
8. The entire time while Ralph and Piggy are talking Roger is chucking rocks at them and barely missing. Then at the end he rolls a big rock and hits Piggy.
9. I think that not one person should take responsibility for Piggy's death. Roger and Jack are both responsible. Jack encourages the truculently boys. There is a good chance that he set up the contraption to begin with. But at the same time "Roger put his weight into the lever" so there is no way it was an accident. He let the rock go with full knowing it might kill someone. He was slightly delirious. But Jack prided himself with the kill and he said that He meant it to happen. He encouraged the violence that all the boys were displaying. Jakc and Roger both took part in Piggy's death, in some more direct ways then other.
Post #8
14 years ago
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