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Monday, May 31, 2010

To Kill A Mocking Bird Post #8

Prompt: What lessons have you learned from this book so far? What themes, lessons, or examples will you take from this book and bring into your own life? Has it changed your perspective on issues at all? How so?

To Kill A Mockingbird is an interesting story because although it does deal with issues like rape and racism everything is told from the perspective of someone that hasn't fully grown up and comprehended the issues yet. Scout sees a lot more then most kids her age and seeing everything from a young child's perspective is refreshing. I have realized that kids, however much they may or may not understand it, see so much more then we realize. It is inevitable that young kids will hear things and see things but reading this book made me realize that they can assess* a situation and gather a lot more from it then I ever realized. They also have a fresh perspective on the world which makes you step back from a situation and realize how stupid and hypocritical everyone can be.

I think that seeing how something like skin color can inconvenience and anger so many people really makes you think about your own actions. Looking through Scout's perspective you realize that even adults pursuits in which they seem to think only older people will understand are actually ridiculously childish. Persecuting people because of something they are doing to help another person might seem legitimate from our viewpoint but when we look at it through a six-year-olds eyes we realize how ludicrous it is. To Kill A Mockingbird has made me realize that everything has a motive but the motive might not always be as good as it seems.

Have you realized that anything you have done is extremely childish even if it seemed like an adult thing at the time?

*assess is a variation of assessment with is one of our vocabulary words


Brianne N. said...

Not that I know of, I'm a pretty mature person. Or know when I'm being childish.

So, maybe me just being an upperclassmen. When I was in forth grade I was the top of the school, and the best. It was so cool, then suddenly I'm in fifth grade and fourth graders are so childish.