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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What is the What Reflection 3/10/10

Page: 238
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"Wait. Durfur, right?"
It is a fact that Darfur is now better known then the country in which that region sits. -Valentino and Achor Achor talking to a police officer.

Significance: Americans always try to know things about global issues. They say they know so many things but most are ignorant. She asked them where they were from and when they said Sudan she assumed they were from Darfur because all Americans know that Darfur isn't a good place right now. But most Americans only see what the media shows and couldn't tell you where Darfur was. Even a police officer made that mistake. It just shows how ignorant Americans can be and that getting help to Sudan is harder then it seems.

Personal Connection: I think it is sad that people know only what the media tells them. They hear about Darfur in the media and about the terrible things that happen there but they do not know much about where it is (other then Africa) and they assume everyone from the general area is from there. The statement just showed American ignorance and I feel like people should be more educated on the world matter because this is not the first time Valentino and Achor Achor have had to explain the difference to people.

Quote Question: What do you think of the police women? Do you think she as ignorant you do you think it was a legitimate mistake?

Page: 256
Paragraph: 4
- This is not that place, I said. - This is Ethiopia, Kur said. -Valentino/Achur talking to Kur about Ethiopia.

Significance: Valentino/Achur thought that Ethiopia would be a beautiful place and when they crossed the river it would be completely different but it looked exactly the same. They were disappointed that where they came for safety looks exactly like where they left. They were almost in denial because they were so disappointed. They saw that there were " no buildings, no glass. There were no bowls of oranges set upon clean tables." Their lives were still hard and they still had to work hard to survive. It wasn't anything like they expected and they faced just as much difficulty as they did before.

Personal Connection: I feel so bad for Valentino/Achur and can relate to being let down. You build something up to be such a great thing but then when you see the thing you have been dreaming about forever and it doesn't meet your expectations it is a huge let down. You can't help but feel all of your work is for nothing.

Quote Question: Have you ever been disappointed by something or someone? What/Why?